How to Add a Sitemap Widget on Blogger

Sunday, November 29, 2020

 How to Add a Sitemap Widget on Blogger

In Blogger, there is actually an Archive widget that

contains an archive of all blog articles based on publish time. However, because it is packaged in the form of a widget, the customization is very limited and the aesthetic of the layout is difficult to adjust. So to make it more organized, here Arlina Code will share How to Add a Sitemap Widget on Blogger.

The advantages of How to Adda Sitemap Widget on Blogger are for the blog to appear more professiona lthan before. In addition, visitors can also view and search for all of our blog articles easily. Of course it will add a plus for the blog if visitors open certain articles on this sitemap widget.

Okay, just get on with it, the way to apply it is quite easy. Please follow the steps below

How to Add a Sitemap Widget on Blogger

First, go to Bloggers Pages> Create a new Page> Add the code below on the HTML tab of the page post

Then click Publish page.


Thanks from DnTech4u on How to Add a Sitemap Widget on Blogger, hopefully it is useful For You.

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